Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wisdom Teeth Survival kit

I've recently gotten my 4 wisdom teeth removed and ouch, it was quite a process. The surgery in itself didn't bother me due to being put under for it but the road to recovery was a fight. If you or if you have someone in your life who is going to be going to get theirs done, here is some helpful items that will hopefully help them along

1. Pain pills (of course unless directed by prescription) if not then some ibuprofen goes a long way! 

2. Gauze Pads (usually just for the first day): I experienced a huge need for fresh gauze pads for the first couple hours after surgery. So unless the surgeon or nurse supplies some i would suggest buying a few. 

3. Ice packs- It will help bring down swelling. Having all wisdom teeth pulled made it annoying to hold the packs on both sides at the same time. It wasn't fun but the ice packs helped. 

4. Water bottles- Keeping hydrated is key. I didn't like cold water but water that was room temperature was perfect. 

5. Pudding- I bought packs of pudding. My local grocery had a sale on packets of pudding so i stocked up and they sure came in handy! In fact, i stocked up on other soft foods like farina and jello. Don't make the mistake of eating oatmeal. I did that on the 3rd morning and it was annoying trying to get the small grains of oat out. 

6. Wisp disposable toothbrushes- Due to not being able to open my mouth wide enough and being told to be very careful with brushing these came in handy. The bristles were soft and it had a thin long handle which made it easy to reach my back teeth. They were gentle enough to use and great because i felt gross not being able to brush my teeth (with the exception of salt water rinse). 

7. Medicated Lip Balm- This was the biggest item that helped me. Due to the clamps that were used to keep my mouth open for that 2 hr procedure, my lips got really dry and cracked. It was really bad, in fact, it almost hurt more than the surgery. I had big cuts in the corners of my mouth and it stung when i opened my mouth or smiled. To help, a close friend of mine bought me a medicated lip balm which i applied various times throughout the day.

I wish all who have gotten it done or getting theirs taken out to have a safe and quick recovery!