Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5k tips!

One thing that is a really neat experience and something i think everyone should try (at least once) is to run a 5k (3.1 miles). Everyone is different but i can offer some tips to help.

1. Workout daily. This goes without saying. I would say if you're a beginner to start your training 9-12 weeks before race day. This will give a good pocket of time to train and get comfortable. Try to alternate your running days. Like don't run every single day, take a day or two off to rest or do another kind of physical activity (Biking, swimming, walking, etc.).

2. PR. Don't worry about beating other people. It doesn't matter who comes in first, the thing that matters is that you do your best and get your time. PR (personal record) is the best time you've got when it comes to running 3.1 miles, use it as motivation!

3. Pace Yourself. A common mistake is to dart right out of the gate, most people end up losing a lot of energy from that. To give yourself a slight advantage, save that energy burst for the last quarter mile. Chances are you will be flying by people who gave their burst earlier on.

4. Light Week. Make sure to keep the week of the race a light workout week. Nobody wants tired/sore legs before they even start the race.

5. Morning Meal. Don't be afraid to eat on race day however don't eat too much. I would say to eat a few hours before the race starts. Make sure to keep the meal simple. Something like a granola bar/banana and a peanut butter and jelly. (That is what i normally would eat)

6. Warm up. Around 20-30 minutes before the race do a light jog for a warm up. This is good for getting your muscles ready. Stretch when you're done your warm up so there are no tight muscles.

7. Keep positive. You worked for this and you can do it! :)

Good luck to all!

P.S. Anyone else think the The color run sounds awesome? I haven't done it yet but i plan to!